Monday 20 June 2016

Something fishy...

Something fishy has been going on tonight...a well deserved Silver Fish award for Amanda Medler!

Congratulations Amanda on this truly deserved award. You are inspiring and we are so appreciative of your unwavering patience, dedication and hard work.

Amanda has been an inspiring role model to so many in guiding. At all levels, from the Guide Unit she continues to lead on a Friday night through to the Member Organisations she has supported, she has made an amazing impact. 

In preparing for Amanda's award, we received wonderful messages from Amanda's Guides and Rangers:

"We would not be able to do so much as a unit without having great leaders like Amanda who ensure we are having a fantastic time and keeping safe." (Farah - Guide)

"When my patrol and I decided to bake cookies Amanda made sure we followed safety procedures in the kitchen.  At a recent charity fund raising event, where we packed customers' shopping, Amanda very kindly bought us water and chocolates as a treat as we were working so hard." (Karina - Guide)

"Amanda has given me the amazing opportunity to go on holidays, both residential and abroad or either short periods or longer periods of time.  These trips include trips to locations such as Spain and France as well as a more local camp holiday in Tolmers.  As a result of Amanda making these trips possible, I have learnt a wide range of things, such as learning about different cultures, how to communicate with others and most importantly how to have fun!" (Charlotte - Ranger)

"Amanda has a very busy lifestyle, with her work commitments and her wide involvement within Girlguiding, but despite these taking her on around the world trips Amanda dedicates her Friday evenings to planning and running the 6th A Headstone Guides and Rangers meetings before sometimes catching the next plane/train the same evening to her next adventure. 

Within my daughter's time at the 6th A Headstone Guides Amanda has supported and encouraged my daughter to participate in activities she would not have been confident to do before joining."

Read about some more of Amanda's fantastic work facilitating Europe Partnerships.

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