Wednesday 15 June 2016

Our patchwork region

When thinking about standing for the WAGGGS Europe Region Committee I started thinking about our Region; what do we need and what could I bring to support the development.

Further thinking and talking to some members from the 39 countries within Europe I discovered we were a patchwork region, and here’s why…

We have many differences

Different sizes
Different shapes
Different ways to deliver our vision

Despite our differences we are brought together to make a difference in the world and to individuals. What brings us together is…

We have many similarities
Same vision
Same method
Same ethos

We cannot achieve great things without the support of others. Support comes in many different ways from…
  • Member Organisations
  • WAGGGS World
  • WOSM
  • Other Non- Governmental Organisations
  • Commercial companies
  • Individuals

And can provide us with…
  • Knowledge
  • Skills
  • Funding
  • Friendly support

As a region we need to continue to embrace our patchwork analogy as we all bring different things to make an impact on the world, particularly within Europe.

To our patchwork region I bring my patchwork of skills to help us achieve our vision together. From leadership and decision making, to being the voice of young women, to adapting programmes, I believe I have the skills to support us in achieving our goals and impacting even more young people’s lives. Furthermore I am excited and committed at the prospect of doing so.

I haven’t just thought about our patchwork region, I’ve made it and will be asking Member Organisations at the conference to contribute to it.

For those of you who won’t be able to join us here’s a preview with an explanation….

Keep an eye out for how Member Organisations contribute to my patchwork bag over the conference!

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