Monday 20 June 2016

Europe Partnership Working

We were proud to share in and hear about one of the many Europe Region success stories today.  

Girl Guide and Girl Scout Associations from the United Kingdom, Finland and Denmark, with mentoring from WAGGGS, got together to share their experiences in assisting the Belarus Association.

As part of her work on the WAGGGS Europe Region Committee, Vice-chair - Amanda Medler - identified funding restrictions and legislative requirements in Belarus which meant that they could not work towards their aims. To help, she facilitated partnerships between Belarus and the European countries. 

In the UK, Girlguiding counties Hampshire North and Lincolnshire South have been supporting Belarus for decades. They provide funds and resources to allow the association to fulfil their programme and provide for their members. 

(Caroline and Charlotte with Olga, Chair of Belarus National)

We were so pleased to hear about the development in Belarus and share in the successes of the UK and the other countries. 

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