Sunday 12 June 2016

Meet the delegation - Caroline

I'm Caroline Davis, International Commissioner for Girlguiding UK. Over the past five years I've had the privilege of championing international experiences and building links with the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS). It's been a tremendous journey and I've learnt so much along the way.

I live in Wimbledon in South West London and just yesterday witnessed the front of a local Thai restaurant being covered in fake grass - all part of the build-up to the world-famous tennis tournament taking place here in a few weeks' time.

Before then, I will be immersing myself in another hub of international excitement, joining Guides and Scouts from across Europe at the conference in Norway. I am looking forward to the inspiring conversations ahead about all that European Guides and Scouts have achieved over the past three years and how our organisations can make even more of an impact in the future.

Every Girlguiding international trip offers opportunities to gain unique experiences and there is always a great buzz when exploring new places with other guiding members. One of my favourite experiences was watching Guides from my unit mingle with Canadian Girl Scouts on our first night staying at Our Chalet. They each had so much to share with each other and it was lovely to see their surprise at what they had in common, despite leading different lives in different parts of the world. Other highlights from guiding adventures have included meeting lemurs, showering from a bucket in the rainforest and learning how to eat a mango without peeling it.

Words to sum up my Girlguiding experiences are:

Inspiring       Rewarding        Varied

Pictured (middle) with the UK delegation to the World Conference in Hong Kong in 2014

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