Wednesday 22 June 2016

Joint Guide and Scout conference

The final afternoon of the conference arrived and it was back to the joint conference.

Votes were cast for the European Guide and Scout conference 2019, and the winner was...... Croatia! We look forward to experiencing their hospitality in 3 years time. We also hope that Malta who unfortunately missed out this time will look to hosting it in the future.

Further voting then commenced for motions including one around formalising the recognition of work we do with Refugees.  It was amazing to hear the passion individuals had for working with everyone in their country no matter who they were on where they come from. This showed Guiding and Scouting at its best, that we really are for everyone and and want to make the world a better place.

Charlotte became head teller for these votes meaning she had the responsibility to officially record and hand over the results of the voting. A great job well done!

It all too quickly came to the end when the batton was handed over to the new Chairs of WAGGGS and WOSM for Europe.

The future of our joint work between WAGGGS and WOSM within Europe is exciting and will provide many more opportunities for our members within the UK. Exciting plans are already being made for Roverway  2018 in the Netherlands.. make sure you don't miss out on this fantastic WAGGGS and WOSM event!

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