Tuesday 7 June 2016

Meet the delegation- Laura


I'm Laura West, a Guide Leader and soon to be a Senior Section Leader (unit for 14-25 year olds) for a new unit opening in September. I am also lucky enough to be the UK candidate for the WAGGGS Europe Committee, and hope to be voted on to the committee in 12 days (not that I'm counting!). I cannot wait to attend another international event, and one that is so important in planning and agreeing the direction of WAGGGS Europe.

There's a lot to look forward to at all conferences, but the highlight for this conference for me will be talking to members from other Member Organisations,  hearing what they are doing, sharing great ideas, and discussing and agreeing the work of WAGGGS Europe for the next 3 years. Although I have to add the international evening will also be a highlight as there's nothing else like it! You will have to watch out for our blog to see what 'national dress' we decided on this year!

This September will mark my 20th year as a member of Girlguiding UK and WAGGGS! When thinking about my favourite Guiding trip or event it is therefore quite hard as I have so many wonderful ones to choose from! I think an international trip I was part of in 2006 to Japan has to be near the very top. It was a trip which really opened my eyes international Guiding and Scouting and made me realise "wow I am part of something massive and it has so many amazing opportunities". From this trip I was so excited about the opportunities available and actively went about find them myself (however this did result in me attending a jamboree as IST which was flooded out the following year!!). Aside from this our group is still all great friends, and we are looking forward to our 10 year reunion just after I return from Norway!

Guiding has given me so much I am really looking forward to yet another amazing opportunity, which hopefully will enable me to support and benefit many many more members. If I had to sum my experience over the last 20 years up in three words I would say:

I'm 'jumping' with excitement for the conference to begin in Norway and looking forward to seeing members from WAGGGS and WOSM there!

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