Wednesday 8 June 2016

Meet the delegation - Charlotte

I am Charlotte Makanga and I am from a small village in north west Wales called Y Felinheli. I am fluent in both English and Welsh and speak both languages at work and at home every day!

My current roles in Girlguiding are as a Guide Leader and I am the International Commissioner designate.

My favourite trips with Girlguiding have been going on GOLD to Bangladesh on the two occasions I went. It was absolutely  amazing! It was great working with the Bangladesh Girl Guides on 2 fantastic projects with teams that are now friends for life! 

The first team had Christmas there and I'll never forget singing frosty the snowman in 30 degree heat and being woken up at midnight on Christmas morning by the Bengali Rangers singing and with gifts.  

The second time I went as a leader we trained on an island in the south of the country called Bhola. To get there we travelled by bus, then boat then auto rickshaw and trained some amazing guides in one of the most remote places I've ever been. The welcome was so warm and fantastic- really amazing.

I am excited about so many things for the conference! I cannot wait to be with Guides and Scouts from all of  Europe making decisions and helping to shape the next 3 years of Girl Guiding and Girl scouting in the Europe region.

Three words I would use to describe my Girlguiding experience are 

Dwi'n siarad Saesneg a Cymraeg a dwi'n defnyddio yr ddwy iaith bob diwrnod yn gwaith ac adref! 

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