Monday 21 August 2017

Meet the Delegation - Leah

Introducing Leah Parsons!

Hi I'm Leah! I'm Senior Section member and a Guide leader for 1st Ivybridge Guides in Devon. My leader name at Guides is Chiff, can you work out why?

I have been a member of Guiding all of my life and have loved every single moment of it and have been extremely lucky with the opportunities I have been able to take up. 

Previously I have volunteered at Our Chalet for 5 seasons spread over 3 years and absolutely love meeting other Guiding members from all over the world! I have also represented Girlguiding UK and WAGGGS at two United Nations Climate Change Conferences

I'm looking forward to making more international Guiding friends and being part of making a difference to Guiding at the highest level. I'm also looking forward to learning how different Guiding is in other countries and share with others what Guiding is like in the UK. After the conference I'm also looking forward to visiting Sangam and ticking another WAGGGS World Centre off the list!

My favourite badges on my camp blanket ❤

Sadly when taking my camp blanket out of the box ready for camp this year I have found it has been eaten by moths!! 😞 My favourite badge however is of course my Our Chalet pin. 

My very first international adventure was to Our Chalet as a Guide at 12 years old, I later returned as a Ranger on another international trip which only cemented my love for Our Chalet and as soon as I was 18 years old I returned to volunteer for 6 months. Since then I have volunteered at Our Chalet two more times and led three international trips taking my own Guides and Senior Section members. 

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