Tuesday 1 August 2017

36th WAGGGS World Conference

In September this year 146 Member Organisations will gather in Delhi for the 36th World Conference! 

As the UK we are sending a delegation of 6 lead by Charlotte Makanga, International Commissioner. Catherine Irwin, Della Salway, Leah Parsons, Ruth Marvel and Bekky Ashmore. Over the next few weeks the delegation will introduce themselves and you can find out more about what they are most looking forward to at the World Conference.

(L-R Bekky, Della, Catherine, Leah, Charlotte, Ruth)

The team has already met and started reading through all the important papers, rules of procedure, how we support Catherine in her nomination for the World Board and most importantly our preparations for the International evening!

We will be hosted by the Bharat Scouts and Guides (the Indian National Member Organisation) and send a week discussing the last 3 years of WAGGGS activities and making important decisions for the next 3 years.

This year the World Conference has three different elements: 

  • Governance Matters - all the discussions and voting
  • Forum 2017 - networking and sharing (we've got a few exciting things planned that we'll share more about soon!)
  • Keeper of the Flame - moments throughout the conference to inspire and celebrate everything in WAGGGS
Keep up to date with everything that we get up to at the World Conference by followoing our facebook page: www.facebook.com/GuidingWAGGGS36thWorldConference 

World Conference logo India 2017

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