Saturday 12 August 2017

Meet the delegation - Charlotte

Introducing Charlotte Makanga!

I’m International Commissioner and have been since October 1st 2016 and feel very honoured to hold the role.

I’m a Guide leader for 1st Felinheli Guides, and currently helping at Felinheli Brownies as Brown Owl has had a baby! I’m called Tylluan Wen (white owl) at Brownies.  I’m a former GOLD Coordinator and had an amazing time whilst doing it! I’m a first language welsh speaker and that is my working language as well.

I am really looking forward to working with other MO’s to make the next 3 years plans for WAGGGS the best they can be. I am looking forward to sharing ideas and practises with other MO’s and hearing great ideas from others, in particular around growth and retention. I am also interested to see if any MO’s have done any research into International events and retention as I know Norway did a few years ago. I’m also looking forward to seeing Aruba (a current GOLD project) gaining full membership, along with all the other new WAGGGS MO’s.

My favourite badges on my camp blanket ❤

Confession time! Here’s the controversial bit, I really dislike badges! It’s a bit of a joke in my unit as they have made my daughter a blanket and keep giving me badges for her to sew on. As a result, I don’t have many at all! 

The Chile logo is from a polo shirt, it was my first international as a girl to Chile as part of a UK team run then from HQ. This was the start of my journey with international guiding that has seen me travel the world and meet so many guiding sisters, amazing. I will always to grateful to my leader Evelyn for starting this for me and lighting the spark that has kept me in guiding and led me to be International Commissioner today.

The second in the Bangladesh Girl Guides Association promise badge. Making your promise is special wherever you do that but this was given to me on my GOLD project and always reminds me of that special promise and experience.

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