Monday 30 October 2017

Meet the delegation - South West Region

Meet the delegation - Maz Matthews

Hi, I'm Maz (or Ratty in my unit!) and I'm a Leader at 1st Boscombe Down, Stonehenge District. I'm looking forward to meeting so many volunteers and listening to all their experiences within Guiding.

My Favourite Guiding Memory

I actually have two! My first was at our Region Day at Legoland in Windsor. Everywhere we went, either another unit behaving wonderfully (hearing members of the public commenting on their behaviour was nice too) or recognising Leaders and units from either Foxlease (where I work), my County or various other Guiding adventures.
The second is being at Stonehenge at 7am for a special occasion and seeing so many Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Leaders in their uniform with their families and other members of the public. My mum asked me how I knew a lot of people at the event and the answer was simple - Guiding!

Meet the delegation - Rhi Bull

I'm Rhi from 2nd Cricklade Guides and 1st Purton Rangers. I'm looking forward to meeting so many amazing people from across the globe!

My Favourite Guiding Memory

Visiting Switzerland when I was a Guide myself and making my promise at out chalet when I was a Ranger too.

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