Saturday 17 August 2013

The past triennium

This afternoon the Guide conference started with a presentation on the past triennium.  It was great to hear about the  work that the committee has undertaken, along with the staff team at the Europe office.  Volunteers like Amanda Medler, have worked hard to get around 87% of Member Organisations (MOs), helping girl guiding and girl scouting devlop. This has included developing girls as leaders through  the World Leadership Development Programme (WLDP) and supporting the development of the Stop The Violence campaign and programme (which Girlguiding UK is piloting).

It's been a busy three years, especially as there have been changes within the committee and the staff team and to make sure that the Region builds on the succeses and learns from the challenges they also undertook an external evaluation to help forward planning to be more targetted on the needs of the MOs and to ensure that resources (time and money) are applied effectively and efficiently.  A lot of work has also been done to get the finances in order to ensure that the Region knows where the money is going and is starting to look at return on investment.

Strengthening the relationship with MOs and expanding fund development are key activities at the moment.  This will ensure that we as MOs get value for money from our membership of WAGGGS, and in particular WAGGGS Europe, and that these benefits impact on the girls that we support every week.

So alot has happened, but there is still so much more to do to help more girls and young women to fulfill their potential and to be a powerful force for good. Can't wait to get onto future strategy now  ...

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