Saturday 17 August 2013

Raise your hands for Amanda Medler

The Girlguiding UK delegation are very excited to be supporting Amanda Medler as a candidate for the WAGGGS Europe committee. Amanda has spent the past three years helping WAGGGS Member Organsiations across Europe, finding solutions to problems and lending her hand to otherqs.  She works in partnership with others, the staff and the widere European team, as well as with WOSM.

Voting for Amanada is voting for continuing the great work of  the current committee to get the work of WAGGGS Europe coordinated and driving forward growth and quality in girl guiding and girl scouting in Europe.

Whilst Amanda comes form Girlguiding UK, a WAGGGS-only organisation, she has a strong understanding of the needs of Scout and Guide National Organisations and the benefit that they bring to WAGGGS in Europe.

If you are at conference and want to know more about Amanda just come and find any of the Girlguiding UK delegation. Today we are all in white polo shirts and red, white and blue scarves.

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