Saturday 17 August 2013

Opening the joint conference

And so the conference proper is underway.  After sorting out who can vote and getting the right channel on our translation headsets the conference is officially opened.  We started with a speech from two German former youth delegates to the UN General Assemby to talk about young people influencing youth policy worldwide. It is so important to start a conference like this remembering that we are youth organsiations and our focus must be on the impact we have on young people across Europe.

Their recommendation is to act local and think global, and to do this by seeking partners for your organsiation.  Girlguiding has a great example of this in the Girls in Action project. We are working in partnership with five charities to focus on issues that affect girls and young women in the UK and across the globe and helping girls to take action for other girls.  It is a fantastic project with some amazing charity partners.  You can find out more on our website or if you are at the conference visit our exhibition stand.

They also gave us a call to action to help more young people discover Scouting and Guiding.  Whilst we reach many young people across Europe there are so many more whwo don't get the opportunities that we offer.  We have a responsibility to reach out and engage more children and young people to give help them develop to fulfill their potential and to be a powerful force for change.

And let's be proud to be be Guides and Scouts!

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