Friday 9 August 2013

Meet the delegation - Amy

Hi I’m Amy Binley and I am really looking forward to attending the WAGGGS Europe Conference in about two weeks time.  I am so grateful to get this opportunity and plan to make the most out of my time there.
I am the Coordinator of the South West Inspired Young Guiders – aka SWIYG.  I am the Young Guider adviser for Bristol and South Glos and am a Guide Leader and run an annual Guide Pantomime.  I also run a day long simulation event for Guides and Scouts to help build up their resilience, leadership and team work skills. 

I have been in Guiding for 20 years now and have loved every minute of it.    Guiding has made me the woman I am today and it is great to know now I am a Leader, I can give back to a new generation.
When I am not Guiding, I am busy working for the British Red Cross teaching first aid to Year 6 students in a fun and interactive way and run a Youth Leadership course for 14 – 26 year olds.

I cannot wait for the Conference and meeting members from other Countries and finding out how they run Guiding and the projects they have going on.  I am looking forward to coming back inspired and full of enthusiasm which I can hopefully bring to my roles here.

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