Saturday 2 November 2019

Zdravo from The Academy in Slovenia!

What an exciting first day! Most of our UK Delegation met each other at Stansted airport for the first time. We comprise of Helen (North West), Steph and Jo (South West), Becky (UK International team) and Alison (Scotland). 

Becky, Jo, Helen and Steph (minus Alison!)

After a quick 2 hour flight to Ljubljana we took a transfer to Kranjska Gora with the UK Scouts. We spent the evening getting to know delegates from the other WAGGGS/WOSM countries. We played lots of games including sharing our favourite vegetables, drawing portraits of each other and making up secret handshakes.

We have decided to set ourselves some challenges for the week. Helen got started on her challenge of finding an international camp within Europe for a region trip. She got talking to the Norwegian Chief Commissioner who extended an invite to Agenda in 2021, the Norwegian jamboree. 

Looking forward to getting started with the opening ceremony and starting our sessions tomorrow! 

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