Monday 9 September 2019

Evenings of Culture, Fantastic Food and 'Game of Thrones' - 16th European Guide and Scout Conference

Visiting Klis Fortress

Michaela (a Rainbow Leader and Ranger) shares her experience of the Croatian culture as part of the UK delegation during the 16th European Guide and Scout Conference in Split...

Reflecting on a busy day of discussing motions and learning in forum sessions, it was about time to experience some Croatian culture. After a short bus ride to Klis fortress, we made our way up the rocky path towards the fortress.  For the Game of Thrones fans, you may be aware that the fortress is featured in Season 4, Episode 4 as the Pyramid of Meereen. We enjoyed traditional Croatian food that was served part way up the fortress path with a stunning view overlooking the city of Split whilst Croatian singers sang.   I think we can say that the Soparnik, a flat, savoury pie with spinach and garlic, was a hit among our delegation!

Image result for croatia flag
Croatian Flag
It was lovely to be able to explore such a beautiful country that is rich with culture and that is also the birth place of some everyday items.  I didn't realise that the Cravat (which goes by the English name of a Tie) originated in Croatia!  We learnt that Croatian ladies used to wear a head scarf that they would cry into when their husbands were going to leave.  The husbands would take this scarf with them and kept them round their necks, from this, the Cravat was born!  We also learnt that Dalmatian dogs originate from Croatia, specifically from the Dalmatia region.

As we continued up the fortress path the Game of Thrones theme became apparent as the theme music, played by a live band, grew louder as we got closer to the fortress.  We were greeted at the fortress entrance by Daenerys Targaryen, a princess from Game of Thrones, and had some time to explore.  Looking down over the city of Split was stunning; beautiful colours illuminating the sky as the sun set and the glow of the city lights in the darkness.  There was the opportunity to have a go at archery and to pose for a picture with swords before heading back to the accommodation after a tiring day.

The Closing Ceremony

Closing Ceremony
After five days of conference with  discussions, voting and elections, the only thing left was the closing ceremony.  It was quite an amazing feeling being part of the UK delegation and this is something that I will always be proud of.

Once again we enjoyed traditional singing which was performed by a well known Croatian soprano before tucking in to an alfresco buffet with lots of Gnocchi.  The closing ceremony took place in a local park which involved games using environmentally friendly balloons and music.  The atmosphere was super lively with people from all countries and delegations chatting and celebrating coming to the end of a fantastic conference.  We even managed to get some photos with the #GlobalGuiding frame! 

We are now looking forward to see what the next triennium has to offer!

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