Wednesday 20 September 2017

Tuesday - discussions, markets and networking


Another jam packed day at Conference!

Morning business was all about the proposed motions and amendments submitted prior to the Conference. Whoever has proposed the Motion has the opportunity to give a short introductory speech about the background and rationale behind the motion before the discussions are opened up to everyone. Every MO is only allowed to speak once on each motion for 3 minutes and we had a morning of lively debates and in depth discussions about the finer points of the proposed motions.

You can read more about the Motions that we will be voting on the WAGGGS website here:

Depending on the type of action or change being put forward either Full or Full and Associate Members can vote. For example, a change that affects the WAGGGS Constitution can only be voted on by Full members and needs 75% for the motion to be passed.

We discussed a wide range of motions - from approving a name change for Luxembourg Scouts from Bureau de Liaison des Associations des Guides du Luxembourg to Letzebuerger Guiden a Scouten, Membership Fees and how they are decided, to who should host the next World Conference!

After lunch it was time for the Market of Ideas - an opportunity to share some of the fantastic work happening in Girlguiding and learn from others around the world. We'll share some of the really interesting ideas and projects we heard about later in the week!
We also had the opportunity to participate in Networking meetings including MOs running the Free Being Me programme, the largest girl-only MOs and learning about mentoring new countries.

The rest of the evening provided an opportunity to go speed dating with the World Board candidates! It was a great chance to talk to each candidate more in depth about their skills and what they will bring to the board.

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