Sunday 17 September 2017

First day of conference

The UK delegation all arrived safely in Delhi by Saturday evening and greeted at the airport by the Bahrat Scouts and Guides who had lots of selfie requests!

A couple of us arrived in enough time to head out into Delhi for some sightseeing in the 36 degree heat - a nice change from UK drizzle!


The day started with an exciting meeting for Charlotte and Bekky with the Sri Lanka delegation about some future plans, followed quickly by registration for the delegation to receive our official name badges and conference bags.

Della had a very busy day at the Commonwealth Chief Commissioners Conference with plenty of ideas sharing and discussions between different countries taking place.

First official business for the delegation was the Europe Region EGM - meaning our first voting of the conference! It was a packed meeting with lots of lively discussion between organisations and all motions passed.

Finally Bekky and Leah were invited to join a networking session for all the World Conference delegates under 35. It was a great evening and opportunity to talk about the hot topics for the conference and share our thoughts.

Early start tomorrow for the first official day of conference with a 7am team breakfast!

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