Monday 8 July 2013

Meet the delegation - Jo

Hi there! My name is Jo Hobbs and I am honoured to be a part of the Girlguiding UK delegation to the European Scout and Guide conferences. I am part of the delegation as the lead staff member for our intenational relations. I am the Director of Guiding Services, leading the staff teams that focus on our youth programmes and volunteer recruitment, retention and support. Our relationahip with WAGGGS along with international opportunities and global youth work come within that remit.

As well as being on the staff team I am also a member, having joined as a Brownie when I was 7. I am not currently volunteeing at a unit but try to help out when I can and am a volunteer Trainer as well. Just over ten years ago I attended a WAGGGS Europe seminar on spiritual development, bringing the learning back home to feed into our work in this area. I also supported the staff and volunteer Planning Team for the 34th World Conference in Edinburgh, attending for part of the event. Most recently I attended the WAGGGS and WOSM Chief Executives' Networking event in Berlin last year, which was a fantastic opportunity to meet with and share ideas with colleagues from around Europe.

I'm really excited about the conference and can't wait to get there and to share our experiences and to learn from other MOs to inspire us to do more for the girls we support in the UK.

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