Sunday 25 August 2019

Arriving in Split - Our First Europe Region Guide and Scout Conference

Aileen top 4th from right, Michaela top middle

Hello! We are Aileen and Michaela, and this year we are taking part in the 16th European Scout and Guide Conference as part of the UK delegation in Split, Croatia. After a busy first day attending orientation, a session about the new WAGGGS leadership model and a wonderful Croatian opening ceremony, we thought we would take the opportunity to answer some questions about this exciting event, what we are doing and how we got involved.

What is the European Scout and Guide Conference?


The European Scout and Guide conference is a conference that happens every three years where delegations from across Europe come together to elect the next European Comittee and vote on proposed motions. This sets the future for the next three years of Guiding and Scouting.

How did you get picked?

Earlier in the year I stumbled across the information page about the conference and the open call for delegation applications on the Girlguiding UK website. Initially I thought that I didn't really have enough experience for the role, but I thought I would apply anyway as it seemed like a great opportunity. Not long after I received an email inviting me to a skype interview, and then after some time I received a phone call from the UK International Commissioner informing me that I had been selected along with Michaela.

What do you do in Guiding?


I am a Young Leader at my local Rainbows unit and I am a member of Rangers.  I have also been on an international Girlguiding trip to Nepal with a group of girls of a similar age where we taught about menstrual health in local schools.  Nepal was both exciting and really rewarding as I got to experience a different culture whilst also knowing that the work I was doing would change the lives of many people for the better.


I am a Brownie Leader in North Lanarkshire and I am also involved with Rangers and DofE at a county level. I was a Summer and Autumn volunteer at Our Cabaña last year so I have some experience in facilitating WAGGGS initiatives such as Free Being Me and Voices Against Violence, and WAGGGS' new leadership model 'Leadership Mindsets'.

What is it like taking on a decision making role?


I think taking on a decision making role, especially at a younger age, is a really empowering experience. It allows you to realise that you have a voice and can influence the outcome of important decisions that will affect young people in so many different ways. Often young women are underrepresented in politics and business and so getting the chance to be a UK delegate feels like a step in the right direction towards encouraging more young women into governance positions. When taking on a role like this you definitely feel a great sense of responsibility, but also pride in representing your organisation and helping it to be the best it can be.

What is attending the conference actually like?


I initially thought that conference was going to be really serious and intense however very quickly after I arrived and got chatting with other delegates I realised that everyone was really relaxed and sociable.  So far I have found conference really exciting as there is a lively atmosphere where you feel very welcome.  Conference, so far, is a lot more relaxed than I thought it would be.  It is also very busy but I felt that was to be expected. So far I am really enjoying my time here.

Attending the English Conference Orientation

How can I get involved?

If you want to get involved with the conference, you can follow what we get up to on the UK International Guiding social media pages below:

We will be posting regular updates on our stories and also sharing a new blog daily. Feel free to tag @ukintguides in your tweets and make sure to use the hashtag #ERWconf19

Also - why not apply for the next European Scout and Guide Conference? It's a great opportunity to have an amazing international experience and work with other passionate WAGGGS members.

Croatian music during the Opening Ceremony