Friday 3 November 2017

Day 3 - A walk across the Danube!

Hello, this is a blog take over by Kat (Midlands Region) and Becky (Lead Volunteer)

Today was the second full day of the academy! We were invited by the Irish Girl Guides to walk into Slovakia for a spot of breakfast! We found a lovely bakery and enjoyed the morning sunshine as we sat on a bench and ate our yummy treats. Visiting a different country before 9am got us excited for the day ahead and an unexpected country ticked off our lists!

Walking across to Slovakia!

One of the sessions today was entitled "In the shoes of the migrants: playing the 'game' of their journey to safety". It was an exciting and eye opening session which centred around a board game that had been created to help us understand the plight of the refugees. We learnt a lot of things about the refugee crisis and it's definitely a resource that can be used within our units when we return home.

Each day we are able to sign up to an optional 30 minute 'Points of Light' session and several of us chose "1 in 3 Voices against Violence". We learnt about the different types of violence, the warning signs of violence using scenarios and how we could use the resources to educate girls in our unit.

Today we were given a Hungarian Challenge to complete during our time at The Academy! We have to complete them before the closing ceremony on Saturday evening! The first challenge was to eat some hot chilli pepper sauce - a few of us stepped up to the challenge straight away, but regretted it!

Kat, Becky & Siân trying hot chilli pepper sauce

During the lunch break, a few of us had time to visit the city's Basilica which is the 3rd biggest Basilica in the world and the tallest in Hungary. As part of the challenge, we climbed an impressive 580 steps to the top of the dome - just for a selfie! It was a beautiful building and the sight from the top was well worth the climb.

After the afternoon sessions, it was time to get ready for the International Evening; a chance to showcase delicacies from around Europe and we didn't disappoint! Everyone made a great effort and showed a lot of enthusiasm. We created an 'afternoon tea' vibe with scones, jam, clotted cream and of course, pims and lemonade. The Scouts also complemented this with gin and biscuits from around the UK. Needless to say, our stand was extremely busy the entire evening! We all worked together as a great team and it was fantastic that even though we only met each other in person a few days ago, we pulled together and created a great stand!

The UK and Irish Delegation

Our afternoon tea stand

Day 2 - Let's get started!

Hello!! This is a blog take over by Jenny (North West Region), Emma (Ulster Region), Siân and Kat (Midlands Region).

Today was the first full day of The Academy! We attended two workshops, peer group sessions, had networking opportunities and attended the opening ceremony.

All four of us completed the “Influencing Youth Policy on National and Local Level” session. This was run by Elena, a team leader for external representation with the World Organisation of the Scout Movement (WOSM). We learnt how to develop a strategy via setting a goal, highlighting stakeholders, working with partners and identifying potential resources. Our facilitator then gave us time to create our own policy relevant to youth within our organisation. This allowed us to learn from other organisations from around Europe as well as focus on something Girlguiding relevant.

In the afternoon we split into different workshops: “Building Bridges between partnership organisations”, “Opportunities for Guides and Scouts on Political Platforms” and “Social Impact”. We were able to take away relevant skills to use in our local areas on our return to the UK.

Opening Ceremony

We were treated to a traditional Hungarian flag ceremony in the venue’s courtyard to officially open The Academy. The WAGGGS and the WOSM flags were raised to ‘Ode to Joy’, the Anthem of Europe. From here we went to the local restaurant to try a variety of Hungarian foods including their famous Goulash! This gave us an opportunity to mix with other Guides and Scouts from Norway, Romania and Italy. We celebrated 10 years of The Academy via a Stars Wars themed video of previous pictures and speeches presented by facilitators.... topped off with Happy Birthday and cake!

The UK Delegation

10th Anniversay Speech

We are looking forward to what tomorrow brings... more sessions, the start of points of light and special interest groups as well as International evening.

L to R: Siân, Rosie, Kat, Becky & Emily